Friday, June 7, 2013


They had some trouble getting my visa, so I won't be getting a student visa, instead I'll have to get a tourist's visa and travel out of the country every 90 days to get it renewed. I'll have to pay a fee each time, but the Rotary in Argentina helps plan the trips. While this is a little inconvenient, at least I'll be able to travel out of the country! 

I've been in contact more with my host family, and I can't wait to actually meet them. We're planning on skyping soon, but before that I need to work on my Spanish. My goal is to practice Spanish for an hour a day everyday this summer. My host sister does speak English really well, but obviously the point is for me to learn Spanish. 

Here's a picture of my host family: 

My host father, Amadeo, my host sister, Camila, my host brother, Thiago, and my host mother, Claudia. 

The only person I haven't had contact with is Thiago. He's my friend on facebook, but apparently he's too shy to talk to me. 

Everything is slowly coming together!


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