Friday, August 30, 2013

Una Semana

I'm in Argentina, and it's already been a week. I apologize if there are any spelling errors, my laptop broke, so I'm using my host family's, and their language setting is set in Spanish, so almost everything I write is shown as an error.

Life here so far is very great and super low-key. I haven't started school yet, so I sleep in, hang out with my host family, learn Spanish, and occasionally go places with my host family. Friends and family seem to be very important here, and we're almost always accompanied by them. Hopefully I'll start school next week.

This will be a very short post, I apologize, but I didn't journal much in the beginning of the week, and I honestly don't remember a lot of what has happened. It's all kind of smushing together and becoming a blur; I can't believe it's already been a week. I've been starting to write things down though, so next week I'll have more to post.

I wish I could say I missed all of you, but to be honest, I haven't had any feelings of homesickness yet. This is, however, already the longest I've ever been away from home, so we'll see. I do love all of you though, and this year will fly by fast if it's anything like the last week has been.



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